tips mainly for Houdini


get list of sub data in dop object

st of sub data in a dop object When you make your own solver, and you want all/the most of fields to resize. =|PY| node = hou.pwd().parent() obj = node.simulation().objects()[0] subDatas = obj.subData().keys() exclude = ["Geometry", "Solver", "Visual… - 2020年06月05日更新

vehicle simulation

**Result &ref( **Instruction ...… - 2019年09月22日更新

dent/bend metal sheet

**Instruction &ref( &ref( &ref( &ref(… - 2019年07月29日更新

collision group & ignore

ision groups and/or dop objects. =|CC| s@collisionignore = "col2"; ||= ***Caution &color(#ff0000){When you don't want interaction between collision_group_1 and collision_group_2,} &color(#ff0000){collision_group_1 has to have "collision_group_2" and … - 2018年09月07日更新

make proxy object for bullet sim with packed primitive

** Basic ways ***Proxy with ** File [[01_packed_prim_proxy_v01_01>>!Aq48eE-W_hEF52XLMKY4r3AazM2R]]… - 2018年04月11日更新

replace packed objects with high-res/different objects

**Instruction ***Calculate matrix to rotate initial position to current position *** Sim It would be easier if "Solve on creation frame" on packed oabject is on. *** extract and apply orient, pivot and position to high-res geometry **File [[03_p… - 2018年03月20日更新

adaptive collision

**Instruction &ref( &ref( ***Split collision objects into small objects In this case, a original collision object are cut i… - 2017年10月09日更新

pop collision detect

**Collision object By default, it reads collsion object every frame. **File… - 2017年09月23日更新

advect Cd

**Instruction ***Add "Cd" volume (3 floats). "vdb from polygon" can make density and Cd at the same time from mesh. ***Multiply density to Cd. We need to make value of Cd 0 at outside mesh. ***Feed Cd to simulation -Add "source volume" to import Cd. (Or… - 2017年09月22日更新

boolean(1) camera(2) cel(1) centos(2) chop(2) collision(3) constraint(1) cop(1) copy(1) csh(1) dop(9) expression(1) fedora(2) forloop(1) fracture(2) hdri(1) houdini(24) katana(2) linux(4) lookdev(1) mantra(1) mat(1) moitionblur(2) node(1) nuke(3) packed(3) pipeline(3) plastic(1) pop(1) python(9) quaternion(1) rbd(4) rendering(2) rop(1) script(1) shader(2) shape(1) shell(2) shop(1) smoke(1) softbody(1) sop(15) time(1) vellum(1) vex(11) volume(2) wire(1)
