tips mainly for Houdini


rendering with curved motion blur

***create velocity and acceleration "trail" node now can create both v and accel attributes. &color(#ff0000){accel is calculated only when velocity approximation is set to central difference.} At object level, set "Geometry Velocity Blur" to "Accelerati… - 2018年12月30日更新

boolean(1) camera(2) cel(1) centos(2) chop(2) collision(3) constraint(1) cop(1) copy(1) csh(1) dop(9) expression(1) fedora(2) forloop(1) fracture(2) hdri(1) houdini(24) katana(2) linux(4) lookdev(1) mantra(1) mat(1) moitionblur(2) node(1) nuke(3) packed(3) pipeline(3) plastic(1) pop(1) python(9) quaternion(1) rbd(4) rendering(2) rop(1) script(1) shader(2) shape(1) shell(2) shop(1) smoke(1) softbody(1) sop(15) time(1) vellum(1) vex(11) volume(2) wire(1)
