tips mainly for Houdini


advect Cd

**Instruction ***Add "Cd" volume (3 floats). "vdb from polygon" can make density and Cd at the same time from mesh. ***Multiply density to Cd. We need to make value of Cd 0 at outside mesh. ***Feed Cd to simulation -Add "source volume" to import Cd. (Or… - 2017年09月22日更新

boolean(1) camera(2) cel(1) centos(2) chop(2) collision(3) constraint(1) cop(1) copy(1) csh(1) dop(9) expression(1) fedora(2) forloop(1) fracture(2) hdri(1) houdini(24) katana(2) linux(4) lookdev(1) mantra(1) mat(1) moitionblur(2) node(1) nuke(3) packed(3) pipeline(3) plastic(1) pop(1) python(9) quaternion(1) rbd(4) rendering(2) rop(1) script(1) shader(2) shape(1) shell(2) shop(1) smoke(1) softbody(1) sop(15) time(1) vellum(1) vex(11) volume(2) wire(1)
